Rolling your own Marlin build
So I wanted to have a crack at rolling my own firmware build for my Ender 3 V2. Marlin is pretty awesome - and setup in a way that makes it pretty user friendly. I would start with this video from Teaching Tech. He goes through how to build your own firmware - which I 100% used as a base. I did a few things slightly differently and probably will continue to tweak as I go. If you just use his video and follow it you will absolutely end up with a useable firmware. This post is as much for me as anyone else that might stumble across it - on what options I used. So start by making sure you have git and Visual Studio Code installed and up to date. Open code and install the PlatformIO IDE extension: I then checked out the Marlin code and switched to the bugfix-2.0.x branch that Teaching Tech suggests in his video: git clone git checkout bugfix-2.0.x You could skip this and just downloa...