I'm on a boat - Part 2
So a few weeks ago now we took Dusty down to give him a run with his shiny new (old) VRO pump. We put him in the water and once warmed up he was running really well. Nice and smooth, humming along. After about 10 minutes at a decent speed the over heat buzzer went off. My first thought was that I hadn't fixed the wiring like I thought previously. However when I turned around to look at the outboard I noticed the telltale was spitting a bit. So I cut the engine to have a look. I thought maybe I'd sucked up a plastic bag or something and there wasn't enough water getting through. I pulled the engine up and there was nothing visible on the intake. I dropped the engine back down, pulled the cowl off and started it again. The buzzer was still going - and checking the wiring it was definitely one of the temp senders this time (not the low oil) that was grounding to sound the alarm. It was at this point that the telltale got worse, not ...