What's the time Mr Wolf?
So for the last couple of months the bit of bench time I've been able to get has all been spent on the edx course I mentioned in my previous post. There was quite a bit of content to get through before the course wrapped up, so to get it done in time I wasn't letting myself play with any other projects or bits. I was however ordering bits and pieces here and there which have slowly started to arrive. Now that the course is done I've got time to play with what's arrived! Something I should point out is that while all (or at least some) of the individual bits I've ordered will hopefully end up working together, one of the most common ways to test them individually seems to be with an Arduino. I have almost no experience with Arduino's so it's a good chance to get to do a little more Arduino too! One of the things I ordered was a Tiny RTC v1.1 The DS18B20 you see in the picture above doesn't come with the kit - I ordered that separ...